OKC ASSP Wearables

The Oklahoma City ASSP Chapter has partnered with our friends at Accurate Safety to provide our membership with OKC ASSP Logo wearables. Here are the links to their catalogs.



Once you find your item(s), give the folks at Accurate Safety a call and let them know the size, color, and style of the item(s) you want. Their phone number is 405-759-3720 or email them at Safety.Supplies@accuratesafetyco.com to place your order. Please allow three weeks for processing depending on the availability of your item(s). Be sure to let them know you want the OKC ASSP Logo on your item and where.

If you have your heart set on having our Chapter logo on your favorite Carhart Vest or a North Face Polo, no problem. Just buy the item(s) yourself and drop them off at their office and they will add our Chapter logo on the item(s) for a small embroidery fee.

Accurate Safety takes all major credit cards and cash.

Contact Mike Messner at 405-508-9794 or messnermik@aol.com if you have any questions.