Loss Control Consultant

If you enjoy the outdoors, helping small companies strengthen their safety management efforts, and want a rewarding
career position, this may be the perfect fit. Midwestern Insurance Alliance is seeking a full-time safety professional to
join our Loss Control team. The selected individual with meet with current and prospective workers’ compensation
policyholders largely, but not exclusively, within the mechanized logging and trucking industries.
The primary goals of the Loss Control Consultant are to provide insight and information about employers’ operations
and safety programs to assist in the workers’ compensation underwriting process and to assist existing policyholders in
preventing employee injuries.
This is a remote position which includes frequent travel throughout Arkansas and portions of the surrounding states.
Key responsibilities:

  • Conduct assigned loss control surveys (both onsite and telephonic), including assessing existing safety
    management processes and observing policyholders’ work sites to evaluate injury exposures and to determine
    the existence and use of appropriate controls for the exposures.
  • Write professionally worded reports that include a detailed summary of the policyholder’s operation and safety
    management practices, as well as descriptions of the deficiencies and/or opportunities for risk improvement.
  • Provide meaningful recommendations and appropriate safety information to policyholders to assist in
    recommendation compliance and/or proactive safety training and education of their employees.
  • Schedule assigned work according to requested due dates set by management

If interested see below.